The Most Important Question You Could Ever Ask….

What is my End Result?

This is perhaps the most important question any leader - or aspiring leader - can ask themselves. If you don’t know what your End Result is, you’re not likely to achieve it. After all, how can you hit a target if you don’t know where it is??? Effective leadership revolves around the leader’s ability to have a vision, and enroll others in the creation of that vision. So, effective leaders always have a clear End Result based on a clear vision of what they want to create or experience. ALWAYS!!! Effective leaders have short-term ER’s (What would I like to create or experience today or in the next few days?) They have medium-term ER’s (What would I like to create or experience in the next few months?) They have long term ER’s (What would I like to create or experience in the next few years?) Some truly effective leaders even have a Destiny ER (What did I come here to create or experience as my legacy to the planet?) It is their constant awareness of what they intend to create in every moment that separates phenomenal leaders from poor, or even average, leaders. That, and their commitment to actually achieving their ER's despite the obstacles life can present. If you see yourself as a leader or teacher of any sort, and you are not in the habit of knowing your End Results at all times (or at least MOST of the time) you are not operating at your highest potential.

The reality is that most successful leaders usually have a good sense of their short, medium and long-term End Results. Some of them also have clarity around their Destiny ER. But very few people (leaders included) have an awareness of what they want to create in the moment. As a result, they don’t practice asking themselves the question “What do I want to create or experience in this moment?” Without asking themselves this question repeatedly throughout the day, it takes them longer to build the neuropathways that will make formulating your ER’s ‘second nature’ Practice makes perfect and if you only think about your ER’s for the big stuff, you deny yourself the opportunity to rapidly create the neuropathways that (once developed) will have you creating powerfully in every moment. When it comes to creating powerfully, more is definitely better, so developing a practice that includes asking yourself what your End Result is – as many times a day as possible – will definitely serve to take your leadership skills to the next level, and will fill your life with more of the things you CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to create or experience.

Of course, this is only the beginning. Always knowing your ER’s will definitely serve you in being a more powerful leader and creator, but knowing where those ER’s are spawned from is equally important. After all, Adolph Hitler DEFINITELY knew what his ER’s were, and that made him a powerful leader and creator, but it didn’t do ANYTHING to ensure his creations were born from higher consciousness – or prevent him from enrolling half the planet in one of its most dysfunctional visions to date. But that’s a conversation for another day…

-Marc DiFrancia





Busy is an Egoic Agenda